About Tweet's Haven

Tweet's Haven is the culmination of decades of advocacy and work in the field of human trafficking and domestic violence awareness and prevention. Theresa "Miss Lady Tweet" Badley and her team offically launched Tweet's Haven as an added asset to the community to help combat the negative affects of these very serious issues. As a survivor of human trafficking and intimate partner domestic violence, as well as childhood sexual trauma, she knows the critical value and need of the kind of resources Tweet's Haven provides.

Our principles




We prioritize the safety and well-being of victims, providing them with a secure haven where they can find refuge and support.

We strive to prevent violence by raising awareness, educating communities, and promoting healthy relationships.

We believe in educating the innocent, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to signs of abuse and exploitation.

We believe in educating the innocent, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond to signs of abuse and exploitation.


darryl "mr. darryl"
Theresa "Miss lady tweet"

Meet the best team ever




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